A season-by-season view of concerts.

(2022-2023 and 2023-2024)
Tellez, Romanza for Violin and Orchestra
February 4th, 2024: Montgomery Philharmonic, The Village at Rockville
Still, Suite for Violin and Piano
November 2nd, 2023: Friday Morning Music Club (FMMC), Strathmore Mansion
November 17th, 2023: FMMC, Live! and 10th & G
June 17th, 2023: DC Chamber Musicians (DCCM), St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Beethoven, Violin Sonata No. 1 in D major
April 23rd, 2023: DCCM, Lyceum​
Coleridge-Taylor, Clarinet Quintet
April 6th, 2023​: FMMC, Strathmore Mansion
Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No. 4
February 12th, 2023: Montgomery Philharmonic, Asbury Methodist Village​
Beethoven, Piano Trio op. 97 "Archduke"
November 19th, 2022: DCCM, Lyceum
January 29th, 2023: DCCM (outreach), Dupont Circle Village
Finzi, Five Bagatelles for Clarinet Quintet​
February 5th, 2022: DCCM, Lyceum​
April 24th, 2022: FMMC, Collington

2019-2020 SEASON
Mozart, Sinfonia Concertante in E-flat major, K364
January 19th, 2020: Montgomery Philharmonic, Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church
February 24th, 2020: Montgomery Philharmonic, Montgomery Village Middle School
Dvorak, Piano Quintet No. 2 in A major, op. 81
November 2nd, 2019: FMMC, Greenspring​
January 5th, 2020: FMMC, Riderwood
Faure, Violin Sonata No. 1 in A major, op. 13
April 2nd, 2020​: FMMC, Strathmore Mansion (canceled: pandemic)
Rachmaninoff, Trio Elegaique No. 1
April 1st, 2020: FMMC, Ingleside Cultural Arts Center (canceled: pandemic)

2018-2019 SEASON
2018-2019 Season:
R. Strauss, Violin Sonata in E-flat major, op. 18
November 1st, 2018: FMMC Strathmore Mansion​
Franck, Violin Sonata in A major
April 10th, 2019: FMMC ​Jordan Kitts
April 14th, 2019: Rock Creek Chamber Players series
April 27th, 2019: FMMC Greenspring
Brahms, Clarinet Quintet in B minor, op. 115
September 16th, 2018: FMMC Lyceum
December 15th, 2018: Gaithersburg Library Christmas chamber music concert​
April 17th, 2019: DC Chamber Musicians concert

March 26th, 2017: Vaughan-Williams, The Lark Ascending; Montgomery Philharmonic, Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church
February 7th, 2016: JS Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No. 5; Montgomery Philharmonic, Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church
December 15th, 2013: Glazunov, Violin Concerto in A minor, op. 82; Montgomery Philharmonic, Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church
Recitals on Chamber Music Series
Friday Morning Music Club
Rock Creek Chamber Players
Church of the Ascension
DC Concert Orchestra Society
Montgomery County Chamber Music Society